Liner notes and poem
A poem for booklet accompaniment:
Poem submission:
Lesson Learned/That Time At Home
If I may intrude for a moment,
Most of y’all are busy working
Or cleaning,
Or making,
Or staring,
But I must share with you!
I have discovered microcosms that
Perhaps have been here before,
Or never existed until,
Yet are here
Now that time is less of a commodity.
Sun bathing in March,
Cats on fences,
Fences fawning over Bamboo growth,
In Bedstuy.
The extent of one cake pan,
The joy of a freezer,
Grandfather’s cabbage soup ,
Fruit rinds in baths.
Neighbor’s civility or lack there of...
The soreness of binging,
Accuracy of watering plants and
The intimacy in their response.
And laughing,
And grasping
At the things I must have known,
Yet only learned
In the time at home.
-Shara Lunon in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn
Poem submission - “Sem Titulo (Letícia)”
Poem submission - “What My Feminine Could Do to the Masculine”
I am a woman.
Full of feels and logic.
Curved for the gods toHold gazes.
I am a woman,
Both dominant and submissive.
I have been told sweetly to be quiet with touches not consented
And spanked in ecstacy on my command.
My papi rolled stones in his knows
And my zaddy knows how to work every roll.
I am a woman.
I do not know the future,
do trust my instinct.
I know my worth.
My place is not beneath
Though many try to
Cut my knees to put me there.
My place is where I am.
Chin leveled, eyes focused
Voice resonate.
I am a woman,
Not because my pussy bleeds to the moon,
Nor because I was born so.
I am because this type of power only comes from the feminine.
Empathetic and merciful.
Logical and vulnerable.
Confident.I have power.
I have energy to love and to annihilate
While keeping my hair in tact.
No you can't touch it.
I am a woman.
I channel it into every part of my existence.
I am masculine, in that,
I have balance.
I can't entertain the idea that only one side exists in anything,
Just like,
I can't forget the first time
I realized what my feminine could do to the masculine.
I am a woman.
I am.